Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Anecdote: Charles Wesley, hymnwriter, vegetarian - discouraged from marrying lovely woman

Charles Wesley, the hymnwriter, was vegetarian, you know. The family of the woman he married didn't like him because they felt that marrying their daughter to an itinerant vegetarian hymnwriter was unsuitable for her, not because he wasn't a lovely man, but because he was not likely to count for much over time and couldn't support her in the style to which ladies of her station should wish to become accustomed.

They married anyway by addressing the family's most reasonable objections, and history shows that Charles Wesley became one of the most prolific and deeply revered hymnwriters of the Christian faith.

And he was a vegetarian - one might say, a devout vegetarian.

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Anecdote: Charles Wesley, hymnwriter, vegetarian - discouraged from marrying lovely woman

Charles Wesley, the hymnwriter, was vegetarian, you know. The family of the woman he married didn't like him because they felt that marrying their daughter to an itinerant vegetarian hymnwriter was unsuitable for her, not because he wasn't a lovely man, but because he was not likely to count for much over time and couldn't support her in the style to which ladies of her station should wish to become accustomed.